Friday, 8 November 2013

Mr. Nice Guy

Life is too short to be negative, and as Sir John Hegarty explains being cynic kills creativity, what I learnt through self-discovery is I am tooooo nice, at first I thought it was a curse, losing girls left, right and centre, being friend zoned, letting others tease me, lack of respect, being ripped off, basically letting people walk all over me! but I soon realised being nice leads to a positive state of mind that this world is beautiful no matter how many people moan about it! And I am grateful my parents have gave me this feeling of happiness that never dies, bringing me up the right way! BOOYA! Just talking to friends, even getting a smile or laugh in return, makes me happy, I know getting a hippy vibe BUT I can not lie! We live in a exciting generation where we can talk to people on the other side of the world, where diversity is getting bigger and bigger, and I am over the moon to be a Erasmus student and meet another students around the world, writing this post is giving me a buzz and ideas for a poster project themed you know it 'Diversity'.

Now here comes the question from you wonderful people who read my posts, how dose this link to your self-development as a creative towards advertising? Well like I said at the beginning of this post in reference to Sir John Hegarty, a creative I truly admire who is the co-founder and head of if not the top ad agency in Britain in the past decade 'Bartle Bogle Hegarty', being a cynic kills your creativity, basically looking at the world through a negative point of view! Now this piece of advice hit me, made me feel good about myself because I am always positive about life, being optimistic! not letting this reality kick me down, I just get up dust myself off and carry on!

So to all you moaning on Facebook, whatever social network you are ranting on, just STOP! enjoy this world your in, take a walk, I know I do, with no ear phones in, thats a new thing I have done, I always used to listen to music while I was out or in, but I realised I am cutting myself off from the outside world, in my own little bubble.... I POPPED IT... I am a god dam creative I have to take the world in, how the hell am I suppose to produce new ideas, culture is our fuel, sooo always, observation observation observation!!! UPDATE YOURSELF WITH THE NOW!

I feel its been a while since I posted something, so it was the right time to express myself! And thats the point of this blog when I feel I am improving in my adventure to be part of Tony's Gang, I will preach it on here! So I leave you with this advert done by agency "Fallon London' that fits my happiness for this post, produced for client 'Cadbury' a chocolate factory I live by being a brummy lad! THIS IS MY FULL GLASS OF JOY TO YOU! PEACE OUT AND ENJOY THIS WORLD! IF YOUR DEPRESSED, KILL IT QUICKLY, DO SOMETHING YOU ENJOY!

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