Thursday, 31 October 2013

got milk?

This has to be my favourite slogan, for whenever I think about it... like right now.... it just makes me want to work harder to become a creative in the advertising agency, and create work in a similar ethos such as this piece of magic!

Penned down by what Adweek describes as the best ad agency of the past decade, 'Goodby, Sliverstein & Partners' could not imagine what brilliance could come out of such a boring product as milk for client 'California Milk Processor Board' (Such a boring/serious name) well they did imagine it but you get my point! Its not new or improved, its just milk, BUT it only comes to mind when we run out of it, in a time of need, for milk is a vital for any owner's fridge, thus the slogan was born! I could rumble on more why but their brilliant TV commercials will best answer it!

Since its arrival into the public domain, it has been praised as one of the greatest marketing taglines ever! just soo simple and right that it relates to everyone, well expect people who swell up to daily produce! but still it covers most! And research has shown that this tagline is the most remembered in beverage history, eventually being seen as a piece of culture not advertising, that adds the cherry to the cake for me, and now you see why the thought of this campaign makes me tingle! THANK YOU 'Jeff Goodby' and 'Rich Silverstein', you inspire me!

To finish off this post of inspiration here are some nice print ads and a more up to date version of got milk? with the Rock NOT saving the day to get milk! PEACE OUT

Yes its a dramatic situation when you do not have milk, or how I pronounce it MALK, like these guys! Oki I am out for good now on this post, just watch this last video please! impact folks IMPACT!

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