Tuesday, 22 October 2013

As Simple as a Command

Through reviewing the post on 'How to get a Watford place' in one of my sources of inspiration 'The Bits In Between' blog, Tom a student who turned down the opportunity to study there describes the course leader Tony as someone who dose not admire digital, in my opinion sounding quiet traditional in his views. He goes on to highlight the complex nature of it, but dose say that if you plan to advance digitally in the art of advertising, be SIMPLE, which in this career is gossip!

This lead on to him referring to the 'Subservient Chicken' campaign as a perfect example of simplicity in digital -

This piece of landmark advertising pushed the way forward for what I believe will be vital part of this art form in the future, being viral marketing! Something as simple but fun as the 'Subservient Chicken' that can be shared right through existing social networks, spreads much faster to me then the traditional print campaign on the high street, but anyway going back to the focus point of this post, is the simplicity of this digital campaign for clients 'Burger King' to promote their tender crisp chicken burger, produced by ad agency 'Crispin Porter + Bogusky'.

Just the simple command and the chicken will perform what you typed in BANG its that easy! Its this sort of simplicity I believe will make your digital campaign pleasing for Tony in the interview, and so get you by with a piece of technological thinking in your student book, BUT be warned this idea has already done some mileage, here is another similar example with a different twist for clients 'Tipp-Ex' done by ad agency 'BUZZMAN', have fun! -

Again as you can clearly notice you can command the situation through simple typed in request like the 'Subservient Chicken', being the messed/crazy soul I was, I put in have sex with the bear, and guess what... it happened! Soooo I am not alone with this maddness, most advertising creatives think this way, so do not be constricted or embarrassed in your head to do outrageous things, again back to breaking down mental barriers!

In conclusion this idea of simple type in commands has in my eyes been over done, and thus it would be unwise to do again in a different twist, as you will only be compared under the shadow of these two examples, but thats not to say this use of simplicity is not effective, it makes the consumer feel part of the experience and in control! and that folks is in my opinion the future of advertising! which makes me think now I MUST read 'Lovemarks' a book I have been meaning to get around to! But yeah these campaigns are a must to research into if you plan to do some digital towards getting onto the 'Tony Cullingham' course, for their simple touch just shines, I know I plan to!

Anyway PEACE OUT XD and yes I know I over did it with the typing but fuck it I am just too excited with this blog!

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