Monday, 21 July 2014

What I thrive, dream and fight to be... a Idea Catcher!

This has to be one of the most beautiful videos on creativity I have ever seen, really has inspired me to work soooo much harder to succeed in my dream career and become a creative at one of the top agencies in the world! (Thank you potential creative partner for sharing this video with me!)

That is why this golden opportunity that has fallen on my lap I must capitalise, and prove I can do the job at McCann Manchester's one day workshop, where I have been chosen in the top 25 out of 100 in the self-branding competition!

Its time to get ready for war (T____T) 

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Sunday, 6 July 2014

The Advertising Concept Book - Exercise 14

A print campaign for a dating service, the challenge not to show any people in the ads, in conclusion this will force me to come up with more lateral ideas!

The Advertising Concept Book - Exercise 12

I chose three current print ads, and redone them using the skill of cropping and framing!

One Minute Briefs - Tour de France in Yorkshire