Wednesday, 24 December 2014

OMB - Wrapping paper

OMB - Brussel Sprouts

Started to add colour to my scamping! 


Ahhhhhh I got a idea!

Lets start a selfie craze on twitter! 

Big head...


She has a mustache! 

Join the dark side! 


Picking my pencil. 



Oh and a beaded Oprah Winfrey joined in! 

But it lost steam..... THE END! 

Monday, 22 December 2014


Marker and layout pad is my weapon of choice. 

Give me your #IdeaFace.


Friday, 19 December 2014

OMB - Create your own personal Christmas cards

This is going to get messy.

OMB - Petrol Prices

Misunderstanding of the brief, I should of been advertising 99p fuel by the litre! Instead I am selling the idea of the oil companies robbing us, but a opposite effect in the sense that we the public are robbing them!


OMB - Mouse Mats

I didn't do it RSPCA 

OMB - Tequila


OMB - Advertise the 'free' Greater Manchester Business Week app.

I hope its all uphill from here 

OMB - Raise awareness of the weather bomb

dirka dirka

OMB - Human Rights Day

Chicken Run

OMB - Bring back Orange Wednesdays

Fixed on orange

Something is not quiet right..

Ahhhh thats better! Team work with creative team 'Adam & Jack', check out their website

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Student Book (Part 1) - One Day One Portfolio

A facebook page is made.

A day is set.

A poster is ready.

A 155 ideas are born! 

OMB - Celebrate 10 Years of the Unity Foundation

Handwriting skills

OMB - Condoms

I have no limits 

OMB - Curtains

Nosey neighbours  

OMB - Blondes

Hitler is now working at a hairdressers 

OMB - Christmas Tree

OMB - Boiler

OMB - Learning a Language

OMB - Advent Calendar

OMB - Dog Food

OMB - PornHub

I have tried it, does not fit... 

OMB - De-Icer

Its been a while posting! Here we go!

Can't wait to see the final chapter today!